Supporting you in pregnancy, birth & parenthood
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Charlotte Edun

Birth Doula

Birth doula, hypnobirthing practitioner, Positive Birth Movement Facilitator
Your Guide to a Good Birth

Looking for the Secret to a Good Birth is like searching for a needle in a hay stack, right? You know it exists, because other people have found it, but HOW?

What did THEY do that made it ok?

I know. You read all the articles, and posts and memes. You listen to the birth stories – the horrors as well as the joys, because balance is important. You scroll through insta and see Rock-Star Birth, and Orgasmic Birth, and Breathe-and-be-Calm birth, and somehow, it just adds to the confusion.

I know it’s exhausting and, ultimately, disappointing this quest. Seeking The Answer, the kernel of truth that will unlock the mysteries of birth, and reveal to you How To Do Birth So That It’s OK (or even Good!).

So what IS the Magic Formula that makes the difference?

It’s YOU.

There’s no simple answer to Birth – no magic bullet that guarantees a ‘Perfect Birth’. You already have everything you need. The only thing to add is some birth specific knowledge and the confidence to use it.

* You are quite capable of understanding how birth works
* You are sensible enough to understand & prepare for contingency plans
* You are bright & brave enough to understand the risks and opportunities, & make informed decisions
* You’re ready to challenge your preconceptions & make this what you want & need it to be.

I’m a doula, hypnobirthing practitioner & Positive Birth Movement Sevenoaks.

I know we’ve been conditioned to accept that birth = out of control, in pain & submitting to fate.

I know that birth is neither straightforward nor predictable.

And I know that in truth, birth is influenced by a wealth of factors beyond you, your baby and your body.

I’m here to help you create a Good Birth experience, whatever that might mean to you. I’m not here to tell you what to do or say, or recommend which birth options are right for you. My purpose is simply to prompt considerations, so you can put plans in place for a birth which leaves you feeling proud and empowered.

In other words: A Good Birth


Birth Doula, Hypnobirthing Practitioner, Positive Birth Movement Facilitator


Kent Doula Collective (2019)